In my class be ready to .
This is not a cute saying. You will strain your brain in my class.
Remember for every hour you are in class, you will need to spend between
two to four hours outside class for study.
Typical classroom setting:
A typical day in the classroom
consists of questions from students, lecture, and examples. I have
not been one to believe in the "sterile" classroom setting. While
I am answering questions and lecturing I expect all students' attentions.
But when it comes time for examples I expect all students to join in discussing
the example. As time permits (MTH 02 - 158), students are then given
problems to work, one problem at a time. I encourage discussion between
students during this time so students can help each other. At this
point the classroom can get a bit noisy, but that means you (the students)
are learning. After most students have worked a problem I show the
problem on the board the way students say it should be worked, ask for
questions, then on to another problem.
Because of the intensity and level of MTH 163 - 270 there usually isn't time for students to work problems together in class. I suggest students create study groups so they can brainstorm on the assigned problems on the course outline. It is common knowledge that if students don't do the assigned problems (MTH 02 - 270) on my course outline those students probably will not pass the tests. MTH 240 students have the added pressure of projects that are due using Minitab software. These projects are not easy. They require a lot of thought and take a lot of time. I recommend starting projects the first day of class.
Computer mediated math:
If students take one of the computer
mediated math (ie: Academic Systems) courses, then the typical day in the
classroom changes from day to day. The computer software does most
of the lecture. As students encounter something they have a question
about, they can get immediate one-on-one help from me or a lab assistant.
Students are able to work at their own pace to finish the course on time.
There are still assigned problems students should complete. The software
sections must be followed in the order given on the course outline.
If the sections are done out-of-order, then there is no guarantee any material
will be learned. Students can work with each other and ask questions
of each other about the content of the course.
There isn't any face-to-face interaction on a regular basis. The lectures are written, and all communication is through the discussion board and/or email. There are two mandatory on-campus meetings here in Norfolk, Virginia USA. These are announced after classes begin. The first is the Midterm Exam. The second is the Final Exam. I encourage discussion in the discussion board on the topics for the week. Don't procrastinate. If students put things off for later, they will only have more and more to do at one time. Students should schedule their time wisely. You should work together and help each other in Online classes.
We meet on-campus once a week. The rest is done online. I encourage discussion in the discussion board on the topics for the week. Don't procrastinate. If students put things off for later, they will only have more and more to do at one time. Students should schedule their time wisely. You should work together and help each other in Hybrid classes.
Learning Community:
In the real world it is important to cultivate friendships with your peers. As a professor, I have carefully cultivated several working friendships. One of those friendships is with Ms. Agatha Peterson. We have designed "Bridges Over Troubled Arithmetic" as a Learning Community. Learning Community may be a new term for some students, but in reality it's an extension of real life. Students will find that the connection that develops (as you take classes together) will help build college, as well as, lasting friendships. Each of you will find that you are not alone in your thoughts, worries, fears, and excitement over college and mathematics. Join our Learning Community for a fresh way of Learning.
--- If this doesn't sound like the way you would like to learn mathematics or statistics, then maybe another instructor may be best for you. You can find a list of instructors in the e-Directory.